Zgłoś uczestnictwo

Miejsce i data


Filharmonia Łódzka im. Artura Rubinsteina
ul. Narutowicza 20/22
90-135 Łódź

Ważne daty

do 30 czerwca 2014
Nadsyłanie gotowych artykułów oraz formularzy prelegentów

11 lipca 2014

Spotkanie komisji merytorycznej - wybór prelegentów

15 lipca - 20 października 2014 Rejestracja on-line uczestników, opłaty

28 - 29 października 2014
Konferencja - Filharmonia Łódzka im. Artura Rubinsteina

Suggested subjects/thematic blocks to be discussed during the conference:


Theoretical subjects:


Role of institutions in organisation and popularising of cultural and tourist events:


Using buildings and other spaces to organise cultural and tourism events:

·         potential and role of ancient, post-industrial, sport-related and other sites in organisation of cultural and tourist events

·         international and Polish cultural events and how they are used in tourism

·         urban space (e.g. public) and open spaces (e.g. battlefields) as the scenery for events (event space)


Events – actual and potential tourism products:


Participants of cultural/tourism events:


Meaning of cultural/tourism events in micro and macro scale:

·         social, economic and other effects of events for institutions, towns, regions and countries

·         role of events in tourism-related promotion of the country/region





Patroni honorowi:

Logo Ministerstwa Sportu i Turystyki
